2025 Annual Meeting RSVPWashington Duke Inn, Durham, North CarolinaJune 25 to 28, 2025PayPal Registration Fee = $645 Zelle or Check Registration Fee = $625 Please use the below form to register attendance to the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research 2025 Annual Meeting. Attendee Name * First Name Last Name Name you would like on the badge (if different from above): Attendee Email * Additional E-mail Contact If you would like to receive meeting notifications through a secondary email address, please fill it in below. Attendee Organization / Institution * ABMR Membership Dues Members must be current on dues payment to attend. Pay dues through: https://www.academyofbmr.org/annual-dues. Attendee - Please select all that apply. * Is the attendee categorized under any of the following? ABMR Member ABMR Conference Assistant Early-Stage Investigator (ESI) Program Awardee ESI Leader Invited Speaker (includes symposia, panels, and talks) Keynote Speaker Martica Hall Mentoring Awardee or Invited Mentee Near-Peer Mentor for ESI Program NIH Employee or Staff Member Neal Miller Young Investigator Awardee New ABMR Fellow Guest Non-ABMR Guests Non-ABMR Guests must be referred by an ABMR member. If you are a non-ABMR Guest, please enter the ABMR Member's name below. Lodging and Family Care Support Services Have you booked your stay at the Washington Duke Inn * Yes. No, please send me information on how to book. No, l will have an alternative lodging arrangement. Will you need On-site Childcare and/or Family Care Support services? Consistent with the values of inclusiveness within ABMR, we wish to ensure that conference attendance is accessible to parents of young children and those with other family care responsibilities. If needed, funds to offset the cost of on-site babysitting and family care at the conference for ESI awardees or other attendees who may require the services will be available through ABMR funds. Upon request for care support services, and in advance of the conference, we will work with locally licensed and experienced nanny, childcare and family care services to arrange high-quality on-site care at the conference venue. Yes, I require childcare services on-site at the conference venue. Yes, I require family care support services on-site at the conference venue. No. Guests Will the attendee bring family or other non-ABMR guests who will participate in the group meals? * Yes, my guest(s) will join me in the group meals. No, I will not bring any guests for the group meals. Not sure yet. How many guests will the attendee bring? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Information for Meal Count and Diet Restrictions Dietary Restrictions Please share any details and dietary restrictions for the attendee or any guests participating in the group meals. Registration Fee Payment Please select your payment method. * To minimize payment processing fees for ABMR, we encourage U.S.-based payers to please use Zelle payments, if possible. PayPal Zelle - Send payment to: ABMR.Treasurer@gmail.com (you may need to verify that you are sending funds to "Joseph" or “treasurer”). Check Wire Transfer Credit / Debit Card Attendee is a Keynote Speaker / ESI Awardee / Near-Peer Mentor for ESI Program / Neal Miller Awardee / Conference Assistant Emergency Contact Please provide an emergency contact e-mail address or phone number below. Thank you! The attendee’s RSVP form has been recorded. Please pay for the registration fee here : https://www.academyofbmr.org/2024-abmr-meeting-payment.If you need to modify the RSVP form response at any point, please reach out to info@academyofbmr.org.